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How Do the Better Ads Standards Affect Websites and SEO?

 Posted on October 31, 2022 in Search Engine Optimization

SEO and Web Design Experts

Online advertising is a fact of life in our always-connected digital world. Most people use computers, smartphones, and other devices to browse the internet during their daily lives, and they have come to expect that ads will be a part of this experience. However, many online ads are intrusive, limiting people's ability to use websites properly, access the information they are looking for, and complete tasks. To address this issue, standards have been put in place detailing the practices that websites should follow, and these standards are taken into account by search engines such as Google. To avoid potential search engine optimization (SEO) penalties, website owners will need to make sure they are complying with these standards.

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Google’s Latest Update Emphasizes Helpful Content on Websites

 Posted on September 30, 2022 in Website Content

website content creation experts

As a website owner, you know that making sure people can find you online is essential for driving traffic to your site, demonstrating the value you can provide for your clients, and encouraging people to reach out to you for help. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy, and because of this, you need to be aware of changes that may affect how your site will show up in search results on Google or other search engines. Recently, Google made a major update to its search algorithm that focuses on ensuring that sites provide helpful content for their users.

Issues Addressed by Google's Helpful Content Update

Your website's content is one of the primary factors that is used to determine your site's search engine rankings. To Google and other search engines, high-quality content is content that is informative, well-written, and relevant to the topic at hand. On the other hand, low-quality content is content that is poorly written, inaccurate, or irrelevant

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How Does a Website’s Speed and Usability Affect its Search Rankings?

 Posted on August 31, 2022 in Search Engine Marketing

online marketing agency website speed optimization

While the internet provides anyone with the opportunity to create a website, publish content, provide helpful information, and connect with potential clients, actually getting people to visit a website is not always easy. While there are multiple ways to attract website visitors, one of the most important considerations for website owners is ensuring that their site will be found in online searches. By taking steps to improve how a site ranks in the results pages of search engines such as Google, a website owner can ensure that they will be visible to people who are looking for the information and services they provide. While there are multiple aspects of search engine optimization (SEO), some key issues to address include the speed of a site and the experience it provides to its users.

Page Speed and SEO

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Congratulations to Jacob Paul, Winner of OVC’s Fall 2022 Scholarship!

 Posted on July 29, 2022 in Scholarship

scholarship winnerTwice a year, OVC, INC. offers college students the opportunity to win a $1,000 scholarship that will help them pursue a law degree. Our “Market Yourself” Scholarship recognizes students who are considering the types of services they plan to provide for clients, the values they wish to promote, and the ways they hope to make their legal practice stand out from other attorneys. Each applicant is asked to submit an essay in which they imagine that they have founded their own law firm and detail how they plan to promote their legal practice and connect with potential clients.

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the Fall 2022 “Market Yourself” Scholarship is Jacob Paul, a graduate student who is attending Villanova University. Jacob’s essay exhibited professionalism and creativity, detailing how his legal practice would provide services related to transactional matters, mergers, and taxation and serve a wide range of clients. He also detailed his commitment to providing pro bono services to religious organizations and other non-profits. Through this essay, it is clear that Jacob will put a great deal of thought into how he can help his clients while focusing on providing quality legal services to those who need them.

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Top 5 Tips for Social Media Marketing for Law Firms in 2022

 Posted on June 29, 2022 in Social Media

OVC Lawyer marketingDigital technology has provided a multitude of benefits for people in modern society. The internet has become a constant presence in most people’s lives, providing immediate access to a wealth of information and the ability to connect with others at all times. Since much of the time people spend online involves using social media, this provides attorneys and law firms with the opportunity to connect directly with potential clients. By understanding the best ways to use social media, law firms can create a winning strategy that will help them succeed in the competitive online marketplace.

Building an Effective Social Media Strategy

When determining the right approach to take when using social media, a law firm will want to do the following:

  • Determine the target audience - By understanding the types of clients a firm is looking to pursue, it can determine the best channels to use in its social media strategy. A firm that is looking for clients who are older may want to make regular posts on Facebook, or younger audiences may be targeted by using apps such as Instagram or TikTok. 

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Google Implements Strike-Based System to Enforce Pay-Per-Click Ad Policies

 Posted on May 25, 2022 in Pay-Per-Click

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_630659264.jpgSince so many people use Google to search for information online, pay-per-click advertising can be an effective method of ensuring that a website can be found by people who are performing certain types of searches or who are in a specific area. However, when creating these types of ad campaigns, it is important to monitor them closely to ensure that they are reaching the right people. It is also important to make sure ads follow the policies put in place by Google, since violations may result in ads not being displayed correctly, and in some cases, an advertiser’s account may be suspended, preventing them from running ads altogether. Recently, Google announced that it will be using a strike-based system to enforce certain policies related to ads, and advertisers will need to be aware of the issues that they could face if they commit violations.

Three Strikes for Google Ad Policy Enforcement

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Is Elite Lawyer a Legitimate Legal Directory?

 Posted on April 28, 2022 in Legal Directories

chicago lawyer marketing servicesThere are many different tools that attorneys can use to help people find them online, demonstrate that they can provide quality legal services, and connect with potential clients. Legal directories can be especially helpful, providing a lawyer with recognition for their achievements while also informing potential clients of their qualifications and ensuring that people can reach out to them for legal help. OVC, INC. operates the Elite Lawyer directory, and we wanted to highlight what makes this directory a legitimate service that provides benefits for attorneys and the legal community.

Elite Lawyer Recognizes Excellence in the Legal Profession

To be included in the Elite Lawyer directory, an attorney must pass a rigorous selection process. Every attorney who is nominated is reviewed by an advisory panel that will look at the person’s experience, their involvement in local, state, or national bar associations and legal organizations, awards or recognition they have received, special licenses or credentials, successful verdicts and settlements, their involvement in their community, and other factors that may demonstrate the quality of the services they can provide to clients. This ensures that people who are searching through the Elite Lawyer directory to find help with legal issues can rest assured that all attorneys listed will be able to provide them with the services they need.

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How Does the Length of a Website’s Content Affect SEO?

 Posted on March 31, 2022 in Website Content

legal website professionalsEvery website needs content that provides value to its users. This content may describe the products or services a company offers, share information about a firm, or otherwise provide people with a reason to visit and interact with the site. The quality of content is a key aspect of search engine optimization (SEO), since Google or other search engines use the information on a site to determine whether it will be helpful for people who are searching for specific terms or looking for answers to their questions. However, while website owners may understand that they need to include helpful, informative content, they may be unsure about how long each page should be, how content should be formatted, or what they can do to make sure their site ranks well in search results.

Finding the Right Content-Length

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5 Blogging Tips for Attorney Websites

 Posted on February 28, 2022 in Blogs

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_348905468.jpgWhile there are many tools that law firms can use to connect with potential clients online, blogs can be particularly beneficial. Attorneys can use blogs to provide regular updates on a variety of topics that are important to their clients. This may include discussing news stories related to their areas of practice, adding additional information about the legal issues discussed on their site, or providing insight into the types of cases they handle. This can provide a significant boost to search engine optimization (SEO), since adding relevant content to a site will make it more likely to show up in search results when people are looking for a lawyer who can meet their needs. By understanding the best ways to use blogs, attorneys can make sure they are getting the most out of their website and their overall marketing strategy.

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Google Search Algorithm Updates That Will Affect SEO in 2022

 Posted on January 31, 2022 in Search Engine Optimization

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_1726250578.jpgThe majority of people who are looking for information online will perform searches through Google. Any changes that Google makes to the way it returns search results can have a huge impact on a site’s ability to be found in online searches. This illustrates the importance of search engine optimization (SEO), since websites that follow the correct practices are much more likely to show up in search results and be found by people who are searching for information online. Website owners will want to be aware of the following changes that Google has made that may affect them throughout 2022 and beyond:

  • Page Experience Update - One of the most significant updates Google made over the past year involved a focus on the experience that users have when they access a website. Google searches will now consider factors known as “core web vitals” that measure how quickly a page loads, the speed at which a site responds when people click a link or perform other interactions, and whether the visual elements of a site are stable or shift unexpectedly while someone is viewing a page. Google will also look at whether a site is easy to use on mobile devices, whether there are any intrusive ads or pop-ups that affect users’ experience, and whether a site is secure.

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