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Enhanced Search Engine Optimization for Lawyer Websites

Professional Articles and Press Releases to Promote Search Engine Rankings

You and your team have worked hard to establish your firm’s credibility and to achieve your current level of success. As a successful, trustworthy attorney, you have developed a certain prestige within your industry. If you are a rising star, you most likely aspire to be recognized as an upstanding member of the legal community. At OVC, INC., we are equipped to help you project your desired image to the public through the strategic implantation of articles and press releases on your firm’s website.

By adding new, engaging content to your site on a regular basis, your firm’s online presence will quickly expand, attracting more prospective clients than ever before. In addition to providing useful information, properly designed content can also significantly affect Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Your website will rank higher in the search results, expanding your reach and drawing the attention of potential customers seeking an attorney with your qualifications.

Website Articles

When you purchase an article package from OVC, you will be provided with a forum for communicating with prospective clients and the general public, which you can utilize in many ways. An article can include your observations on certain areas of the law, your reaction to the passage of new legislation, social commentary, or generalized advice for young lawyers or those considering law school. Similarly, you may also use articles to highlight your firm’s various practice areas and recent successes. When necessary, we can help convert your ideas into a publishable form, allowing you to keep your focus on your current clients and caseload.

Legal Press Releases

Has your firm recently hired a new attorney? Was one of your senior partners recently recognized by the community for a particular contribution? Let the world know about it. OVC also offers a professional press release service, which includes drafting, editing, publishing, and publicizing your news and updates. When utilized properly, and particularly in conjunction with articles, press releases can help your firm achieve greater online visibility while celebrating your proudest accomplishments.

Call 630-635-8000 Today

Our most common article and press release packages include monthly publication of one or the other, dependent upon the needs of the particular firm. Contact our office today for more information about the benefits that OVC, INC. can offer your practice. Our team of professionals will work with you to design and implement a comprehensive marketing campaign, including enhanced SEO, which can help your firm experience unprecedented growth. Let us show you how we can maximize your online exposure and increase client conversion.

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