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Pay-Per-Click Marketing Strategies for Lawyers

Maximizing Your Law Firm's Marketing Investment with PPC Campaigns

In the expanse of online search results, it can be easy to feel like your law firm is getting lost among the crowd. Considering that a Google search for “family lawyer Chicago,” for example, brings up more than 60 million results, how can you differentiate your practice from the others? For many law firms, the answer may lie in a full-service Pay-Per-Click (PPC) package from OVC, INC.

What is Pay-Per-Click?

PPC marketing is a method of search engine advertising designed to generate traffic to your website. Rather than relying on prospective clients to choose your firm from the list of thousands of search results, PPC places your custom-designed ad at the top of results pages for search engines on Google, Bing, and more. It is called Pay-Per-Click because each time a user clicks on your ad, you are charged a small fee. However, if your PPC campaign is optimized properly, the fee for getting traffic to your site is well worth the potential return of converting the client.

Personalized Ad Design and Placement

When you invest in a PPC package with OVC, you get more than a few listings on major search engines. Our process begins with customizing an advertisement to attract potential clients looking for a law firm like yours. We also work with you to develop a strategy for deploying your ads, based on your geographic focus and areas of practice. Once the ads are placed, our marketing professionals will carefully monitor the results and success of each one to identify areas of strength and needed improvements. One of the primary advantages of utilizing PPC marketing is that success is rewarded; space is not limited to the highest bidders. Top-quality ads that generate traffic and are popular with users result in lower click-through fees and higher visibility.

Google AdWords for Your Law Firm

We are extremely proud to be an official Google Partner. As a Google Partner, OVC, INC. is officially qualified by Google to manage AdWords accounts for our clients. Google AdWords is one the largest, most efficient PPC platforms in the world, and we are fully trained to recommend and incorporate the best available practices to maximize performance and increase results.

Contact the PPC Professionals at OVC

Since 2008, OVC, INC. has been providing custom-built websites for attorneys throughout the country. Our catalog has expanded to include a full range of comprehensive marketing packages for law firms of any size, including PPC campaigns. Contact our office today to begin developing a strategy to increase your online visibility and client conversion rate. We offer a variety of affordable packages combining our most popular services, and each is backed by our commitment to customer satisfaction. Call 630-635-8000 to schedule a consultation today.

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